They say the older you get, the wiser you get. This may be true for some. Still, for others, age does not provide wisdom or the gift of learning from experience. Life is a journey; hopefully a long one. It matters where you travel and the choices you make regarding what you bring with you. More than that, timing matters. Often life's journey seems to have dead ends, U-turns and uphill climbs. It may seem that it's taking too long to get where you want to go or to achieve what your heart has as your dream. Wisdom provides the lens to see the true picture when you are walking life's journey with the Lord Jesus.
With Christ as your guide, you learn to trust. You learn that His timing is perfect. You begin to understand the journey of life is really a precisely woven, and very intricate, artful masterpiece. Sure, there may be loose ends, missing pieces and tattered or broken dreams. Still, everything serves to bring about the exact life story that God would have you to tell to impact the lives of others. You will come to know the reasons why some dreams were lost, while other blessing you never even knew could be, came true. You will discover how waiting and spending so much time without, could result in achieving God's riches that are beyond your imagination.
Yes, life is a journey but remember, the journey is for eternity. Do not be impatient and discouraged. Wait upon the Lord. His mighty plan for your life has perfect timing. The question is, do you trust him enough to follow him and wait?
I have seen the burden God has laid for the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:10-11
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