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Oct 21, 2012

The Rock

What a sight! The Morro Rock at Morro Bay, California. It serves as a landmark and a resting place for seagulls and other birds. There it stands day after day while ocean waves pound away. The waves are no match for the 576 feet tall majestic beauty. It can withstand the waves, wind, and inclement weather. In spite of it all, the rock remains stable and firmly placed.

This picture of the Morro Bay rock has something in common with you. You too are firmly placed and secure in Jesus Christ. The waves of life pound on you day after day, and still you stand tall and majestic. As a child of the Most High God and are unmoved by the world and the forces that come against you. Christ is your rock. With Him you cannot be shaken! Through life's up and downs, Christ is right there with you. Trust Him to provide for you and protect you. Count on Him and cast your care and concerns on Him. There, doesn't that feel so much better? 

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18:2

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