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Jan 29, 2012

Paid By Christ

The argument is centuries old. How do you get to Heaven? Do you earn your way by deeds, prayers, or by successfully completing a required rituals? Can you buy your way in will donations and pledges? Is it possible to journey to a far-off Holy Land on a pilgrimage and have that count as your entry ticket? Many would say that God is merciful and all that is necessary to spend eternity with Him is to be a good, decent and kind person. As so, just as in days past, the debate about God and Heaven continues from generation to generation. 

God sent His only Son to die for you. The reason was that you require a Savior. You can never do enough on your own to cover the sin that separates you from God. Money, deeds, rituals and even pilgrimages cannot do anything to reconcile you to The Father. There is only One  Way and that is by the blood of Jesus Christ. He, and only He, is worthy to bridge the gap between God and you, originally caused by the sin of Adam and Eve. If there are other alternate ways to Heaven, then God sent His only Son to die for nothing! Yes, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Don't let the debaters, doubters, and "religious" experts lead you away from His eternal gift which only comes through Christ. He has paid the price. It is done.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
   and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

If you would like more information on accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord visit this link for Harvest Ministries.

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