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Jan 22, 2012

Such a Blessing!

Have you witnessed any blessings lately? Not sure? Blessings are not hidden treasures. They are not buried or locked up in secret hiding places. On the other hand, blessing do not announce themselves. A message does not arrive in the mail to let you know you have been blessed or alerting you that a blessing will be coming in your life. Blessing are often subtle, quiet, even silent as they drop into your life. Often you don't recognize them right away because the come disguised in everyday ordinary interactions and can easily go unnoticed.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, you should be expecting and very aware of the blessings. God provides blessings through life's situations, relationships, accomplishments and yes, even trials. Be on the lookout for blessings every day! Keep a journal of them, tell others about them, and be a blessing to others. You have a responsibility to be God's hands, eyes, and heart by filling a need, holding a hand, creating a solution, and reaching out to bless others as God has blessed you. Be an active participant in blessing others and in praising the Lord for the blessings you receive. 

All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 28:2

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