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Aug 8, 2011

Flexing Your Spiritual Muscle

The backyard at our home is in full bloom. Herbs, flowers, peppers, and strawberries are flourishing there. Bees and birds are frequent visitors. They enjoy the blooms and the backyard sprinklers. There is one bird in particular that catches the eye. This bird sits stationary and repeatedly raises and lowers its wings as if it were exercising. It looks quite strange and sticks out from all the other backyard birds. Even so, he is definitely an all time favorite.

This exercising bird reminds me of the followers of Christ that exercise their spiritual muscle. They too stand out among the others. They provide a refreshing and purposeful example of Jesus. Their love for the Lord propels their life, life style, and life choices. They stand out because they are different, set apart, and display a glowing reflection of God. It is obvious that they are in alignment with their Savior and are inspired to share Him with the world. 

How about you? Are you flexing your spiritual muscle through the Word, praise, worship, and being Christ to others? Does your commitment, love and desire to walk with Jesus bless others? When you serve the Living God, and exercise your spiritual muscle, you can't help but be a bright light as the love and grace of Jesus Christ shines through. 

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes." 
Isaiah 54:2

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