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Sep 13, 2010

Mission Fields

Last week I went to the mission fields..... in my own city. It was not on my scheduled, I did not pack a suitcase, in fact, I didn't even have a jacket with me. I started the week as I usually do, thanking God and going about my business. Soon God redirected me to go about His business. I asked God to provide opportunities to serve Him and glorify His Kingdom, but I did not think his answer was going to be what it was. I thought He would have an unusual and challenging request. Maybe He would ask me to lead or donate time with a group, something very structured and important. I should know by now, that God uses ordinary people and circumstances to touch the hearts of His people. He reminded me very quickly.

At the car repair, there was a young, kind looking man with a story of no healthcare and a very pregnant wife. His story eventually got around to the truth about her drug habit and fear for losing their child. Then there was the man waiting there with the car he had just taken from his daughter after her second DUI. His heart broken and his world shattered. He just needed  something bigger than her drinking to help them see this through. There was the neighbor with so many challenges it was unnerving to think about them. The details too numerous to share here. At the grocery store, there was an elderly woman, carefully counting the total for her purchase to ensure she could cover the few items she needed.  

You may have dreamed of venturing to a third world country or a war torn land to share the gospel and Christ's gift of salvation, but never had an opportunity to fulfill your dream. There is a mission waiting for you right where you are. You can listen, share, pray, and pay for a grocery bill, without having to leave the city you live in. Open your eyes, and your heart, to the countless lives waiting to be touched by Jesus Christ. It is your mission should you choose to accept it.

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

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