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Jun 9, 2016

Simple Pleasantries

Casual waves. Pleasant hellos. You know, the kind of thing that happens when you see a neighbor out while walking the dog or a colleague in the hallway at work. How are you? Isn't the weather lovely? Good seeing you. Hope you have a great rest of the day. See you next time. Simple words, surface deep, expressed almost automatically without any true thought or meaning. Sure you may be busy, distracted or perhaps you just aren't interested in getting involved in a deeper discussion.

Simple pleasantries may be ok for casual relationship and passerby well wishes. It will never do when it comes to a relationship between you and Jesus. Prayers on the run, fleeting words and superficial praise are not what God intended for you. He wants to have a relationship with you where he can touch your heart and fill the crevices of your soul. That requires time and quiet uninterrupted fellowship with Him. Don't shortchange yourself and miss the greatest blessing of your life. God knows you and loves you. Isn't it about time for you to know and love Him?

"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me." John 10:14

May 30, 2016

Thanking God for Freedom

It's Memorial Day! Today we honor those brave individuals who gave their lives so that we can enjoy freedom. It is said that freedom is not free. Freedom is the result of sacrifice and courage. Freedom is the by product of selflessness and heart. Aside from all this, freedom is ours because of love. Love for others, love for country, and love for humanity. Today we thank the brave for their love and we salute them. Because of them we are blessed to enjoy our lives in freedom.

Our lives in freedom are also attributed to Jesus. He provided us the greatest example of love and sacrifice. He gave his life for our freedom. He paid the ultimate price. His love lead Him to give everything so that we could be free in Christ. His love was so great it swallowed up fear and death. Freedom because of love is far greater than anything. 

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Romans 8:1-2

May 9, 2016

On the Verge

Maybe you can explain it. For me it just evades my sense of reason. I can't describe it or even wrap my mind around it. The it is that thing that happens to you when you know you are on the verge of something incredible, but you just for the life of you can't seem to cross the crest to bring it to being. It may be a chocolate cake your grandma baked for you when you were a child that you are trying to master or an outfit you have been sewing for the kids. Maybe for you it's more about working that perfect solution or deal at work or having the answer to the most difficult and complex system that needs a solution for a client. Whatever the "it" is and the reason you can't get "it", there it is, right there on the verge of being.

God sees you the same way as you see your "on the verge project". You are just about to be the most influential, incredible, amazing human that has ever been able to do the exact specific thing you do but you are not quite there. You could easily be there but first you would have to get out of your own way. You would have to see yourself just as Jesus sees you. Really, do you have any clue how uniquely beautiful and special you are? No, you don't, but Jesus knows it and God created you to be it.

You are on the verge of the most rewarding, blessed, phenomenal and transforming positive breakthrough in your self that has ever been. Do not hold yourself back from your blessings. Do not doubt, overthink it, worry and well just plain blow it! You are on the verge of greatness and you were designed just for it. Go do it. Let go. Trust God. Be stupendous and after it happens tell me all how wonderfully great your God is to provide you exactly what you have always dreamed. 

For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power. Corinthians 4:20

May 2, 2016


Walls. They divide and separate. Not all walls are bad. Some walls are necessary to allow for a partition like the walls in your home, school, church or office. Walls serve a purpose and act as a barrier to entry or as a barrier to sound. Barriers can protect, save lives and establish safe parameters. Some barriers are permanent while others are temporary. The worst kind of barriers are the ones that prevent you from reaching your good. They may be barriers to keep you from reaching your highest potential, someone you love or a place you call home. The good news is that barriers can be broken, breached, destroyed and crumbled. Jesus broke forever the barrier separating you and God. That separation no longer exists. Through Christ you have full access to Almighty God. There is no barrier, wall or chasm to overcome. Is this truth something you believe? Do you speak with and spend time with God enjoying the miraculous gift of total access to Him that you are privileged to have? If not, why? What's keeping you from your good in Christ? God loves you and wants to you to share in a close relationship with Him. Don't let barriers of time, your to do list, distractions, and busyness keep you from God.
For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall..Ephesians 2:14

Apr 17, 2016

In God's Eyes

Your view of yourself and of others shapes your world. You may see the world as bleak, troubling and full of doubt or bright, joy-filled and abounding in grace. The way you see and experience things is a result of many factors. As a follower of Jesus you are called to see the world through the eyes of Christ.

How do you see yourself? Are you a person that feels insignificant or do you stand tall knowing you are a child of the Most High God? No, there is no reason to feel superior to others but there is cause to feel significant, full of purpose and called to make a difference. 

How do you see others? Are you a person that judges and sees the worse side of others or do you have a glimmer of the vision God has and see the good and light in others? Yes, there are people in the world with less than honorable intentions but God sees them as they can when they give their life to Jesus. 

It's of course impossible to have the eyes of God. Still, be challenged to live for even one day seeing beyond the window dressing of the human soul. Look deep and be open minded. There you may find a common thread to make a connection and change the world for just one person. You see, you may not be able to have the eyes of God but someone else may be saved and come to know Christ by seeing God in your eyes.

"...and you have been filled in him, who is the head over every ruler and authority." 
Colossians 2:10