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Sep 16, 2018

Time for Change

Have you noticed a change in the season yet? Perhaps it is very subtle like it is where I live in S. California. The days lose their light a bit earlier and the mornings and evenings are growing cooler. There seems to be some excitement in the air as communities begin planning for traditional harvest or autumn events. Change can be difficult and unwelcome and yet it is also necessary and always present. 

Imagine the way people felt so long ago when Jesus was talking to them about radical change in their beliefs and culture. There was nothing subtle about it for sure! Even though God decided it was time for change in the world not everyone embraced the message Jesus so eloquently communicated.

Times have changed and the sacrifice Jesus made to pay the price for our sins has been accomplished. Yet there are multitudes of people that haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Let's face it, Jesus changes lives and not everyone wants their life changed. You may know some of these individuals. Perhaps they are in your family, school, work place or neighborhood. You may be the one to have an impact in their life. Be the change in the world they need to see to get a glimpse of Jesus. It's definitely time for change and just maybe that change starts with you. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

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