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Apr 27, 2015

Heart Prints

You have heard of finger prints and foot prints but are you familiar with heart prints? Heart prints are the marks you leave on the heart of those you love. Every time you say a kind word, give a hug, sacrifice or provide love in any way you leave a heart print. Others also leave heart prints on your heart when they love you. Can you imagine all the heart prints you have left and all the ones that you have imprinted on your heart from others? They are literally countless.

Heart prints are very special because they are evidence of the impact of love. Of all the heart prints on your heart, the ones that are the most significant are those left by Jesus. He loves you so much that he gave His life for you and left His imprint on your heart forever (likely right next to where God has written his laws). Now it's your turn to love and be like Christ to others and leave as many heart prints as you can. 

This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them in their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Hebrew 8:10

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