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May 12, 2014

Meeting Jesus

It may have happened when you were a child or perhaps you were just a teen. It could have been when you were a young adult or even when you were getting on in years. No matter the time or the place, at some point in your history you first met Jesus. Not the Jesus someone described in a book or during a church sermon, but rather the real, beautiful, living Jesus Christ. Do you remember the moment? Can you recall the day and location?

Like many others, you likely met Jesus through the loving heart and eyes of a person that knew him quite well. It may have been the words that were spoken to you or the kindness shown. You know exactly what I mean. The day you met Jesus may have started out like any other ordinary day but it would be like no other day ever. From that moment on your life was changed. Now, it is your chance to introduce Jesus to others. Consider this the most important introduction you will ever make. You need not plan or prepare. The introduction may occur when you least expect it. You may be at work, on a bus, in school or at home and before you know it the moment will present when you can have someone meet Jesus through you. 

When Jesus was still far out on the water, the man had seen him and had run to meet him and fell down before him. Mark 5:5-7

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