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Apr 14, 2014


Life is precious from the time of a baby's first breath and all the way to the wrinkled, creviced smile of the elderly. Life is a beautiful blessing. Consider just how much God invests in every single human spirit that He creates. Each individual is one of a kind, especially you. Your features, personality, unique gifts and personal attributes make you like no one else. God looks at you and smiles. He adores you because, well, you are very precious to him. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

God's love is also precious. He designed you to be surrounded by his love, to know him personally and to trust him. Your ability to connect with him and be fully aware of the power that you have access to because of him, is something he also delights in. There is no one he would rather be with, protect and love than you! See, you are important to God. Never forget that or lose sight of just how precious you are to him. He never forgets of loses sight of you, not even for an instant.

"How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. " Psalm 36:7

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