There you are seeking. You look high and low. You turn left and right. Could it be that you aren't searching hard enough or far enough? Is it possible that you left a stone unturned and missed it? It may be likely that your quest to find the God of the universe has kept you busy but left you feeling confused or lost.
Some may have told you God resides in a church or shrine. Others let you know that you can't find God until you meet the requirements of this or that religion. You may have even heard that God does't exist any more or that he is only available to "holy" people.
You need look no further than the cross to find God the Almighty. Once you do, you will begin to understand His enormous love for you. There, at the foot of the cross, you will come to know the grace and sufficiency that only Jesus Christ can provide. He is all you need and is waiting to fellowship with you.
God is alive; he is not hiding. He wants nothing more than to have a relationship with you. You need only to allow Him to reveal himself. Quiet yourself and step away from the noise of the world. You need not travel far and wide to gain the gift of Jesus, rather turn your mind toward the cross and open your heart to the Lord. Once you do, you will know your search is over. Jesus is with you and in him you have everything.
"The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction. But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18
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