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Aug 22, 2011


As you turn over your life to God and commit to walking with Jesu leading the way, you will find times when you need to be still and wait. Waiting can take its toll at times. You pray and expect God will answer but find He often doesn't respond the way you wanted or at all. Waiting is hard and finding life takes turns different from what you expected can have you start to doubt God is hearing you.

As much as we want to be like Jesus and trust Him, we still have our own sense of what our life should be. We say that we will wait on Him, and then we take matters into our own hands to make things happen. We get frustrated, feel afraid, and even manipulate things at times, rather than just submitting to Him and His will. Why do we think we have to help God out with the details of our lives? He created us, sustains us and is perfectly capable of caring for us but we try to make things happen in our time and our way. When you align with Jesus you are like the shoreline of the beach being shaped and impacted by the ocean waves. The impact that He has upon your life is sure to create the perfect impression for exactly what you need. You will possess all you could ever desire when you submit to Him.

“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you." 
Job 22:21

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