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Jan 30, 2011

Growing in Love

Just about every song you hear is a love song. Finding love, losing love, delighting in love, all sorts of love. In such songs we are told love makes the world go round, love will keep us alive, love is all there is, and so much more. Still, with all the hype and hope of love we live in a world full of anger, hate, and war. It is our differences that cause most of the problems. It seems that people have little tolerance for diversity and prefer that everyone be like them or not be at all. How boring is that? It would be like having only one shade of color, kind of flower, or type of food.

God designed the world with beautiful variation. There are all kinds of colors, textures, elevations, and landscapes. That is what makes the world such an amazing place! We need to grow in love with our differences, embrace our vast uniqueness, and enjoy what makes us so precious in His sight. We are most like God when we love one another. Much like a beautiful bouquet of colorful and differing flowers, we can complement each other with grace and peace because love makes everything better.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2

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