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Jul 17, 2019

Waiting on God

Let's face it, if you are like most people, you hate waiting. Waiting for traffic lights, for planes to arrive or take off, for a seat at a busy restaurant, well basically for anything, is hard. We are impatient, and growing more so. The world around us promotes and provides faster service, instant access and reminders of what we need, before we need it, so we don't have to wait.

While there may be benefits to not waiting and to having instant access or results, the process of waiting is in a sense, sacred. God didn't complete creation in an instant. Rather, He took the time over multiple days to create the Heavens, earth, and all that would inhabit them. He certainly had the power to simply speak everything into existence at once. Still, God waited to complete the most incredible design over time.

Waiting implies a process or steps of a process are taking place which when completed will provide a desired state or creation. New life, an absolute miracle, takes time from conception to birth. Perhaps this is where the expression "worth waiting for" or "miracles take time" stems from. Both infer the wait will result is something beyond usual or typical. The result will be exceptional or extraordinary. 

There may be something you are waiting on that seems to be taking longer than you think it should. It could be a promotion, delivery, fulfillment of a dream, or conclusion of the process to obtain a piece of property. Whatever it is, recognize that your desire to speed things up may be counter to what God is doing. His timing and processes are perfect.

While you wait on God, remember that waiting is a sacred time. It's a time where God is weaving and knitting together the most intricate and incredible pieces that only He can create and orchestra, to provide the perfect results for your life.

"And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You." Psalm 39:7

Jun 22, 2019

Looking Up

Photo Credit: Casie Steele @Steele a Peek Photography

The enemy is real. He aims to steal your joy, bring you pain, have you doubt and cause you to suffer. Your shield and hope to counter the enemy is Jesus Christ. 

With Christ there is certainty of victory, strength and all that is intended for your good. Don't be deceived. The enemy would like you to believe there is no hope, no way out, and no answer to all that plaques you. 

Look up! Set your sights on Jesus. Know that He reigns, is in control, and has you in the palm of His hand. The same hand that stretched out the Heavens and drew the boundary lines for the ocean is holding you. How can you go wrong?

Let go of all burdens, worries, and fears. Stop trying to make sense of the sorted details and give it up to God. Trust Him to handle it and rest in Christ. Settle into His perfect grace. Embrace and hold Him tightly. For He cares for and loves every inch of you.

"Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance." Jude 2:1

May 26, 2019


There is a place where your heart and mind go. 
Often without realization or set as a plan. 
You find yourself there for a moment or a time. 
Feeling happy or dismayed depending on the circumstance. 
Away from the world and all its chaos you dwell.

There, where no one can intervene or interrupt, you hide. 
Thank you, wonder why, what if, and remember when all reside here. 
Tugging at your heart like an old acquaintance just dropping in 
to see if you still want to know them. 

Soon, you understand that only God deserves this space. 
Here, He influences you, oh so gently and makes
it clear. God is your dwelling place. 
The place to dwell is not away from, but rather in Him.
There you will know rest, love, grace and peace. 
He provides all you need to persevere in the world.

"How lovely is your dwelling place, LORD Almighty!"
Psalm 84:1

Apr 19, 2019

What Are You Aiming For?

Ready, aim, begin! You are off and running. On your way to the next important thing. It could be something simple like completing a household task before company arrives, or complicated like guiding your child or grandchild to make the "right" college choice. No matter what it is you have set out to do, your approach is really what is most important.

Typically it is the goal or task, the what you are trying to do, that takes all your attention and effort. In this regard you may at times be hurried, pushy, self-centered or even unintentional.  in doing so, you are likely to miss the key aim which is to do everything you do in love.

Let love lead. Let love plan. Let love create, complete, and yes, let love even listen. It's a secret Jesus knew and practiced. In every situation, discussion and trial His aim was love. How basic and very powerful! 

When your aim is love you put aside yourself for others. You see things from a place unclouded by jealousy, fear, greed or status. The end results is not personal gain but rather to experience what otherwise may never be manifested. With love as the focus your aim becomes clear. For the target of God's will is LOVE.

"Let love be your greatest aim."1 Corinthians 14:1

Apr 5, 2019

Something New

Spring time; it provides the backdrop for a new landscape filled with beautiful colors and the sweet sense of pure joy. Even the birds seem happier as the dark and grey of winter are substituted with flowers in bloom and the glorious extended daylight. It is a time of rebirth, new beginnings, blossoming and reaching for new heights.

Spring provides an opportunity not only for a seasonal change but for personal change as well. Think of this as a time to start over, get organized, and to clean out the clutter of your life and mind. You can't start a new approach, turn over a new leaf, or spring into action while holding on to that which no longer serves a purpose, is holding you back or keeping you from experiencing all God intended for you. 

What's in the file cabinet of your heart, that you have been hanging on to for way too long, and needs to be set free? Have you made the adjustments necessary to turn over the soil of resentment, hurt and disappointment so that love and peace can be planted and cultivated? Are there dreams you are preventing from blooming because of fear, doubt or procrastination? What do you need to weed out from your daily routine so that you can flourish and grow? 

It's time for you to revitalized your soul, set your sights on endless possibilities and embrace Spring - the season of miracles and hope for those who love the Lord.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5