Ready, aim, begin! You are off and running. On your way to the next important thing. It could be something simple like completing a household task before company arrives, or complicated like guiding your child or grandchild to make the "right" college choice. No matter what it is you have set out to do, your approach is really what is most important.
Typically it is the goal or task, the what you are trying to do, that takes all your attention and effort. In this regard you may at times be hurried, pushy, self-centered or even unintentional. in doing so, you are likely to miss the key aim which is to do everything you do in love.
Let love lead. Let love plan. Let love create, complete, and yes, let love even listen. It's a secret Jesus knew and practiced. In every situation, discussion and trial His aim was love. How basic and very powerful!
When your aim is love you put aside yourself for others. You see things from a place unclouded by jealousy, fear, greed or status. The end results is not personal gain but rather to experience what otherwise may never be manifested. With love as the focus your aim becomes clear. For the target of God's will is LOVE.
"Let love be your greatest aim."1 Corinthians 14:1
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