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May 26, 2019


There is a place where your heart and mind go. 
Often without realization or set as a plan. 
You find yourself there for a moment or a time. 
Feeling happy or dismayed depending on the circumstance. 
Away from the world and all its chaos you dwell.

There, where no one can intervene or interrupt, you hide. 
Thank you, wonder why, what if, and remember when all reside here. 
Tugging at your heart like an old acquaintance just dropping in 
to see if you still want to know them. 

Soon, you understand that only God deserves this space. 
Here, He influences you, oh so gently and makes
it clear. God is your dwelling place. 
The place to dwell is not away from, but rather in Him.
There you will know rest, love, grace and peace. 
He provides all you need to persevere in the world.

"How lovely is your dwelling place, LORD Almighty!"
Psalm 84:1

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