Photo Credit Steele A Peek Photography
Life's journey with Jesus is filled with great riches. Not the kind of riches the world honors, but rather, riches of the Heavenly realm of the Spirit of God. The deepest of these are the ones born out of faith. Through faith, the weaving of life's blessings are the fabric of your journey. The Holy Spirit, your Comforter, provides the power for your faith. For you are not covered in shame, fear and hopelessness. You are covered in the full and complete grace of Jesus Christ. In Him you live, and move and breath.
For the grace of the Lord and your faith assures you of the fulfillment of every promise God has made. In time you will be before Him face to face for eternity. For now, continue your walk with Christ in faith and peace, as you come into the fullness of your purpose. For only you can complete the work God designed you to fulfill. Your faith and the power of the Holy Spirit will be your guide.
But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. Hebrews 10:39
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