Photo Credit Casie Steele
When asked, "If you could have anything in the world what would you ask for?", there are literally hundreds of responses one could give. Fame, fortune, health, freedom may be among the most popular. Most people would ask for these and even more to improve their current life and secure their future. Of late, I would venture to guess there is another reply that is popular and people are seeking and praying for every day. That simply would be, peace.
Peace is defined as "freedom from disturbance" or "tranquility". Another definition is "a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom". Well, that sounds unattainable for sure, right? Not exactly.
Trouble with the kids, job matters, financial challenges, and daily life stressors all will take aim at disrupting your peace. You can insulate yourself from all of that and more when you receive God's gift of peace. See, beyond the worldly definition of peace there is peace that God provides. He offers peace in the midst of chaos. His peace doesn’t change with circumstances; it is secure no matter what is happening in your life or around you.
Sound too good to be true? Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Those weren't empty words but rather an absolute promise. When Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit lives in you and peace does too.
Maybe you aren't living in God's peace. You may be needing to reaffirm and claim it for yourself. Here is a prayer and link to verses about peace:
Lord, thank you for your promise and gift of peace. Thank you that YOU are my PEACE — my perfect Prince of Peace who died on my behalf so that I could live in peace, because you have conquered the king of fear. You have trampled the enemy under your feet. Help me not to be afraid when trouble comes my way. Help me trust and rest in you at all times, regardless of what my feelings try to convince me to think. I joyfully receive your peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart sand your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
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