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Nov 23, 2019

Scared Encounters

Photo Credit: Casie Steelehttps://www.facebook.com/SteeleaPeekPhotography/

These days, frustrating encounters are all too familiar. You know, they are the encounters where you are mumbling under your breath, shaking your head in disbelief and telling yourself to just be calm, let it go, and take a breath. It may happen in traffic, with an inconsiderate individual at work or a relative that reacts emotionally to something you innocently said. Hopefully, the number of frustrating encounters you experience is lower by far than those of sacred encounters.

Sacred encounters are interactions that touch your heart and soul on a deeper level. It’s a melting of two spirits for what may be a short time, and even so you are amazed, knowing something incredibly powerful just occurred. They are the moments spent being so present and real with someone you actually lose track of time. It’s meeting a total stranger and feeling incredibly familiar and comfortable, as though you have known them your entire life. The encounters you experience where love replaces fear, erases shame, or transcends differences are sacred encounters.You walk away from the encounter changed, moved and a better person as a result. 

Sacred encounter are not to be taken for granted. They are ordained magnificent gifts tied up in a bow of awe. They leave you knowing they were deliberately designed for a purpose by God himself.
This Thanksgiving, remember to give praise to God for the sacred encounters you have experienced, and for the ones he will provide to you in the days to come.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 
Colossians 3:17

Oct 10, 2019

Door Watcher

As a child, I often would sneak downstairs once everyone was asleep to check that our front door was locked. It might have been a result of having had our home broken into once while we were out on a short visit that caused me to do this. All I know is that I secretly became the family door watcher, a role I still play to this day.

The truth is, God is our Door Watcher. He in his supernatural power and wisdom keeps watch over all the doors of our life. He knows which ones to open to allow blessings, opportunity, and perfect circumstances. He know which doors to shut and does so in love with purpose and care. 

God never leaves his post as Door Watcher. He wants what is best for your life. He will act to protect you and do what will be best even when you can't quite see the reason. 

You may not always agree with God's door decisions and be disappointed when he closes one that you prayed to be or remain open. Still, in the long run, looking back over your life you will be better able to understand God's door decisions. His fingerprints are all over the door knobs that opened the way for your journey and those that kept you from experiencing less than your purpose. 

"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."  Revelation 3:8

Sep 2, 2019

What's Ahead

Photo Credit Deborah Duerr

Down the road a bit, just passed the horizon lies the entrance to tomorrow. It's waiting there for you! Experiences, challenges, heartfelt moments and even some promises reside there. You can't exactly see what's ahead nor can you get a sense of what's in store, still it's perched right there waiting to welcome you.

Not knowing what's ahead may cause you to be curious or even anxious. Will tomorrow bring clear skies or will it be stormy? Will the day go smoothly or be sprinkled with interruptions, frustration and delays? Who will you encountered there and what will be the interaction? What lies ahead is really a big question mark. 

In all of this there is one thing for certain. When you get to tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, Jesus Christ will still be on the throne. His love for you will continue. He will still be fighting your battles for you, cheering you on, and providing everything you need exactly when you need it. There will be people and situations that will be in your path that God has set their for your good. His plan for your life will unfold and you will have His grace, strength and spirit to lead you through. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Aug 17, 2019

Pick Up Your Mat and Go Home

Many years ago, I heard my now favorite Bible story in Mark 2:1-12. It literally changed my life. The story is about a paralyzed man. His friends go to great lengths to get him in front of Jesus to be healed. They remove a roof and lower him on a stretcher right in front of Jesus in the middle of a crowded house, with no standing room to accommodate them. Imagine having friends that are so committed to you they stop at nothing to get you to Christ? Maybe you do. Perhaps you are a Christian because you had a friend just like that. 

The story though, is more than about amazing friends. The story touched me because Jesus gave instructions to a man that was paralyzed that He gives to you and me. "Pick up your mat and go home." Don't let this world and all the chaos and challenges paralyze you. You may have the weight of the world weighing you down, keeping you from moving forward, causing you to be stuck or paralyzed. You may have given up trying and quit moving forward. You are not alone. Like the man in the story, you have a friend in Jesus. He is your answer. 
Whatever is causing you to be stuck, dismayed, feeling hopeless, and unable to move ahead is removed when you trust Christ. Get up! Pick up whatever is keeping you down, roll it up, put it away and go forward in Jesus. 

“I tell you, stand up, pick up your mat, and go home.” Mark 2:11

Jul 17, 2019

Waiting on God

Let's face it, if you are like most people, you hate waiting. Waiting for traffic lights, for planes to arrive or take off, for a seat at a busy restaurant, well basically for anything, is hard. We are impatient, and growing more so. The world around us promotes and provides faster service, instant access and reminders of what we need, before we need it, so we don't have to wait.

While there may be benefits to not waiting and to having instant access or results, the process of waiting is in a sense, sacred. God didn't complete creation in an instant. Rather, He took the time over multiple days to create the Heavens, earth, and all that would inhabit them. He certainly had the power to simply speak everything into existence at once. Still, God waited to complete the most incredible design over time.

Waiting implies a process or steps of a process are taking place which when completed will provide a desired state or creation. New life, an absolute miracle, takes time from conception to birth. Perhaps this is where the expression "worth waiting for" or "miracles take time" stems from. Both infer the wait will result is something beyond usual or typical. The result will be exceptional or extraordinary. 

There may be something you are waiting on that seems to be taking longer than you think it should. It could be a promotion, delivery, fulfillment of a dream, or conclusion of the process to obtain a piece of property. Whatever it is, recognize that your desire to speed things up may be counter to what God is doing. His timing and processes are perfect.

While you wait on God, remember that waiting is a sacred time. It's a time where God is weaving and knitting together the most intricate and incredible pieces that only He can create and orchestra, to provide the perfect results for your life.

"And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You." Psalm 39:7