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Nov 8, 2015

Look! Up in the sky!

This weekend a good portion of the Western US witnessed a strange sighting in the night sky. Some thought it was a shooting star, others claimed it was a UFO. The truth is that it was a test of a missile sent up from a submarine. It was remarkable and described by many as something like they had never seen before. Some were afraid and ran to find shelter inside. Listening to the account on internet videos it left me thinking about Jesus. 

As believers, we await the Second Coming of Christ. He will be coming in the clouds and every eye will see him. Can you imagine? Jesus Christ will make a spectacular arrival filled with light and sound. There will be people standing in total awe all over the world. Many may be shocked and confused. Others will likely be terrified. Still, the believers and followers of Jesus will be cheering and praising Him. It will be a day like no other! Are you ready? Have you found yourself praying for Christ's return and eyeing the sky? You should be. It can happen at any time so be prepared and keep looking up.  

"Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen." Revelation 1:7

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