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Mar 9, 2015

You Are God's Masterpiece

You were created for greatness. Yes, you. Believe it or not you are one in a million, million. You are the only you there will ever be in forever. Now there is no pressure or anything but you really need to be the best you that you can. See, God set you apart from everyone else in all of time. There is a reason that you were designed exactly as you are. You have a special set of skills, talent, and God given gifts for a reason. 

Perhaps you are aware of your life's purpose. Maybe you still have not determined what it is. Either way you have a responsibility. God is counting on you. If ever you find that you doubt you are as special as you are, or feel as though you are not the amazing, incredible, perfectly designed person God made you to be, remember God loves you. You are the one He watches every day. You matter to Him in a way you may never know. Seek Him and listen. There will be up and downs but through it all stay focused on Him and follow his lead. He will reveal the story of you one day and at time. You are God's masterpiece. Now go out and shine like only you can.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

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