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May 13, 2012

Trusting God's Plan

Life was all set. Everything was laid out perfectly and decided down to the most intricate detail. There was agreement, and even a public proclamation of the plan. Everyone understood and thought the plan fit into the big picture and made perfect sense. It had purpose, alignment, and there seemed to be logic behind it. Right after that, there was an unexpected interruption, and the plan was no longer the plan.

Life's journey is full of changes. There are twists, U-turns, and crossroads that appear without a sign or warning. When you are walking life's journey with Jesus, you can rest assured that he knows exactly where the road is leading. God has a plan for your life and in spite of your plans and desires, He has a way of setting things straight. He gives the journey more meaning, joy, and purpose then you may have on your own. 

There are many examples of this in God's Word, but none may be as significant as the unexpected interruption God designed to change the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is hard to imagine what she must have thought when she learned of the plan God had in store for her life. It must have been difficult to understand and experience. Still, she trusted God and his plan prevailed perfectly. 

You may be in the midst of an unexpected twist in your life's journey. The career, relationship, or financial sights you had set your eyes on may have suddenly been placed out of reach. Perhaps you are at an intersection or what appears to be a dead end. Maybe just like Mary, God has interrupted your life so that he can send you on a road you otherwise would never have traveled. Trust the plan that God has for you and continue to walk with Christ to experience all that lies ahead. God has a perfect plan and the blessings He has in store already have your name on them.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:10-12

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