It's February and that means it's time for Valentine's and hearts. There are many expressions related to the heart. You have heard "take heart" meaning be encouraged; also "have a heart" referring to being compassionate or empathetic; and of course "heart felt" referencing sincerity. The emphasis on the heart is significant and meaningful because the heart is equated with love.
In the Bible we are told love is the greatest of all attributes. Further we are told "love is patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or selfish or rude. Love isn't irritable or touchy and doesn't hold grudges. Love is never glad about injustice and rejoices when the truth wins out. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Our lives, families and communities can certainly use more love. In fact, a scarcity of love can be attributed to many of the problems in the world today. The solution to this isn't money because you can't buy love. The solution isn't power because you can't demand love. The solution is to increase love. That capability lies in every person starting with you and me.
Maybe you aren't sure about the way to increase love in the world around you. Take some time to reflect and consider the way you might begin to love others with heart. You can start by reading the text below replacing the word "love" with your name to gain some insight.
"Your name" is patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or selfish or rude. "Your name" isn't irritable or touchy and doesn't hold grudges.
"Your name" is never glad about injustice and rejoices when the truth wins out.
"Your name" always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.
Wishing you much love!
Wishing you much love!
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