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May 21, 2017

Seeing Jesus

Have you seen Him? I mean Jesus. Are you looking for Him? Would you even know Him if he presented himself to you? Jesus is alive. He moves and weaves the strands of your life like a majestic tapestry. Sure He may be silent, or is He? When you buzz around through life as busy and distracted as you are Jesus can seem and feel missing. 

Don't be so focused on your circumstances that you can't see Jesus. Stop looking around and cast your sights on the things above. You have become myopic and well, blinded to His glory and presence. You likely missed Him in the sunset, a fragile flitting butterfly and even behind the smile of the kind server or cashier helping you the last time you went shopping. 
You likely didn't see Him when his mighty hand protected you from an impending danger or provided you with the blessing of a friend, your child or even your sweet and lovable pet. 

Jesus wants to be close to you. He longs to spend time in quiet reflection where he can speak to your soul and share his love with you. In order for you to see and hear Him you need to to commit the time and focus on Him. When was the last time you heard or saw Jesus in your life? Open your eyes, your ears and your heart. Jesus is here.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

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