Have you ever wished you could revert back or turn back time? You may want to turn back time to take advantage of a missed opportunity, right some wrong, recount a particular event or just return to the "good old days". In any event, what has passed is past. Unfortunately, there is no turning back the "clock" of life. Knowing this truth allows you then to seize the moment and use your earthy time to its fullest.
Consider this passage from the New Testament:
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Ephesians 5:15-17
God is calling on you to live "wisely", to make the most of every opportunity and to understand His will for you. In addition, you are being reminded that "these days are evil", which makes living wisely in God's will even more difficult. Just take a look at your life. If you are like most people, you are over committed to activities and work, living in the midst of information overload, and finding that time is passing faster every year. What's a Christian to do?
You can't stop or turn back time but you can spend the time you have being a living time traveler for Jesus Christ. That means traveling through time on earth focused on the things of God. Living each day in a way that glorifies and honors Him. Praying, reading the Word and sharing the gospel through your every day interactions of kindness, grace and peace. Spending less time in worry and more time in faith. Yes, these days are evil but they provides more opportunity for you to counter evil with good. Remember, with Jesus as your Lord and Savior eternity is before you, but your time on earth to share Jesus Christ and the gift of eternity with others is limited. God knows it's your time to shine so don't waste another moment!
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