Try it. I dare you. Claim it out loud or to yourself and then give it a whirl. Gaining uninterrupted time is just about as difficult to attain as winning a sweepstakes! It is as though a signal goes out alerting the universe that you are about to steal away a few minutes to yourself. Just as you settle in you can almost guarantee that you will be interrupted. Those interruptions come in the form of text messages, phone calls, door bells, dogs barking, and family members needing to ask just one more question.
You are not the only one with a desire to carve out just a few minutes of uninterrupted time. We are told in the New Testament text that Jesus too found it difficult to get away from the world, chaos and people to have time alone to pray. Even so, Jesus found a way to separate himself and shut out the noise around him. What about you? What can you do to get even 10 minutes alone with God in quiet pray? It may be that you have to rise extra early, stay up past the bed times of the entire family or lock yourself in your car in its parking spot to get away from it all. When you do, focus on the Lord. Ask Him to provide the solitude and peace you need to hear His still quiet voice even if for just a few moments. There is no sweeter sound than the sound of silence and Jesus totally uninterrupted.
But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Luke 5:16
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