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Oct 13, 2015

Moving Forward

Photo Credit Casie Steele Photography

You are not the same person today that you were yesterday. Sure, you are older but that is not the only change. You experienced things yesterday that have added to your insights. It may be that you are a bit wiser, have a new understanding, learned something, or were blessed in a way that forever changed you. No matter what the difference is, the point is each day you move forward into becoming the person you were meant to be in Christ.   From the time you took your first breath you were on the path forward to a life filled with experiences that would unfold day by day.

Often the journey down the path of life can be uncertain. You may wonder what lies just ahead of the bend. Will there be sunshine and clear skies or is there a storm brewing? Is the path clear or will it be filled with barriers and road blocks? You should not be concerned about the future. By now you have come to know that Jesus is always walking right beside you. He is able to lead you through whatever twists and turns present. 

You could take a seat and stay exactly where you are right now just to be "safe" but you were create to change. Staying still is not an option. You must move forward. As you do, follow the example of Jesus. No matter what happens on the journey keep looking up and set your eyes on God. He is your Navigator and certainly knows the exact steps you should take to the future. He has got you covered! Ready? Set? Ok, now move forward. Together with Christ you will have an amazing experience.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Oct 5, 2015

All Because of Jesus Christ

You could have overlooked me; 

skipped me and chosen another.

For I could never be deserving 

or worthy enough:

Instead you overlooked 

and skipped over my sins.

Through your grace 

you saved me.

Through your love 

you gave me everlasting life.

Not that I may be boastful 

of the great and everlasting life 

I have come to know, 

but of the greatness of my life 

all because of Jesus Christ.

And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. Romans 8:2

Sep 29, 2015

Uninterrupted Time

Try it. I dare you. Claim it out loud or to yourself and then give it a whirl. Gaining uninterrupted time is just about as difficult to attain as winning a sweepstakes! It is as though a signal goes out alerting the universe that you are about to steal away a few minutes to yourself. Just as you settle in you can almost guarantee that you will be interrupted. Those interruptions come in the form of text messages, phone calls, door bells, dogs barking, and family members needing to ask just one more question. 

You are not the only one with a desire to carve out just a few minutes of uninterrupted time. We are told in the New Testament text that Jesus too found it difficult to get away from the world, chaos and people to have time alone to pray. Even so, Jesus found a way to separate himself and shut out the noise around him. What about you? What can you do to get even 10 minutes alone with God in quiet pray? It may be that you have to rise extra early, stay up past the bed times of the entire family or lock yourself in your car in its parking spot to get away from it all. When you do, focus on the Lord. Ask Him to provide the solitude and peace you need to hear His still quiet voice even if for just a few moments. There is no sweeter sound than the sound of silence and Jesus totally uninterrupted.

But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Luke 5:16

Sep 23, 2015

Story Teller

Photo Credit Alyce Kennedy

There is nothing quite like a great story teller. Pulitzer Prizes, Academy Awards and even TED Talks showcase an appreciation for great storytelling. Some tell their story in screenplays, others by writing their autobiography and through blogs and other avenues.  The format is not what is important. What matters most is the message and moving people to action because of the message. You too have a story to tell. It may be about your life's journey, something you are passionate about or a dream or goal you are trying to reach for a purpose that is dear to your heart. 

Of all the stories worth telling, none are more powerful and moving than the story of how Jesus Christ has transformed your life. Perhaps it is not a story that you share often or you have thought important enough to tell. If that is the case, you should take the time to reflect on your one of a kind story of Christ's love. Your story is one that will touch someone heart and move them along their journey with Jesus. It may not be a story that is made into a blockbuster film or one that is turned into a best selling novel but rest assured its impact with be even greater. 

You see, you were created to share Jesus and are the only one that can tell the first hand account of how he transformed and saved your life. That is a story that should not be left untold! Write it down, tell your children and their children and even the children next door. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had never been told about Jesus? Well, there are others in that situation just waiting for you to tell them about Him so they too can be saved.

I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you. Psalm 22:22

Sep 14, 2015

Seed Planter

Autumn is just around the corner. It's almost time for the harvest. The success of the harvest depends on the seed planting season. When much is planted the harvest is great. If little is planted there is not much to harvest. Seed planting takes time and effort but it is well worth it. There is something incredible about planting. The seeds lie dormant until they are placed in the environment that allows them to be transformed. It is a miracle really!

Soon Jesus will return for the ultimate harvest. The seeds he planted thousands of years ago will have bore much fruit. The day and time of his return is not know. While you wait, you can add to the harvest by being a seed planter. You don't need to dig in the dirt or use a shovel or other tools. All you need to do is to tell others you know about Jesus and all he has done for you and how he changed your life. Share God's Word with them. When you do, you are planting a seed in that the person hearing about Jesus may open their heart to Him. The seed you plant may not take root immediately. It could take days, weeks, months or years. No matter the timing, when you plant seeds for God's Kingdom you are blessed.

As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience. Luke 8:15