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Oct 21, 2024

Just Believing


Autumn provides a great opportunity for reflection on the thoughtfulness, love, and order of God. Autumn is a living testimony to the fact that God knows exactly what He is doing. It’s a time for you to recognize the power and provision of the Lord. The harvest is rich with color and abundance of the season. What a perfect plan God established. Summer blends into autumn. The result is a variety of flavorful and colorful fruits and vegetables hand made by God for your pleasure. The weather is cooler, the sky clearer, and the air crisper. It is all by perfect design of the LORD.


Jesus Christ is on the throne. His purposes and plans prevail. You may encounter times when it is difficult to believe this, but God will always find a way to remind you. He is in charge. He reigns over everything including the change of seasons and your life. No one can prevent Him from unfolding His plans for your life. Your blessings already have your name on them! Believe that Jesus has your best interest at hand. Believe that His way is the answer. Believe that He loves you and desires to be close to you. Seeing is believing. When you open the eyes of your heart you will see Jesus at work in your life. 


“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” 

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Jul 29, 2024

Cross Culture

Imagine the scene. The cross where Jesus was crucified the day following the event. The bible points us to the emptied tomb to communicate the truth that Jesus Christ has risen. There is no mention of what became of the cross.  In today's culture, there would be photos of the cross captured and spread on every news channel and across social media. Christ's cross likely would have been divided up and sold on Ebay or at a live auction.  In a way this is really occurring, as the cross has become a frequently depicted symbol of pop culture, often taken for granted and without reverence to Jesus Christ. It is found on tee shirts, car decals, jewelry and even tattoos.

In the time of Jesus, the cross represented death. For Christians today the cross represents life. Still, in our culture it has lost its significance and true meaning. If the apostle Paul were alive today, what would he find regarding the cross? It is likely that Paul would not find many examples of people wearing or displaying crosses that have died to the world and are living for Christ. Rather, they are living for the world and have little understanding about the significance, power and glory of the cross of Christ. 

What about you? Do you take for granted the truth and meaning of the cross? Are you placing emphasis on the cross as a fashion statement or are you making a statement about the power of the cross through Jesus Christ? 

  "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Galatians 6:14

Jul 22, 2024

Pray for America


God is watching. He sees the heart of the Nation and its people. He gives a Nation the leaders they deserve. The time is now to repent, turn from evil and turn to God for healing, peace, deliverance, and the rescue that only He can provide. God bless the USA, keep enemies foreign and domestic from her and grant wisdom, grace, and revival in Jesus name. Amen.

May 20, 2024

From God's Point of View

It all seems so ridiculous. Things were going well and then this. Life's road takes twists and turns constantly. One day it is all sunshine and roses and the next it is gray skies and wilted dreams. How can it be? Why does it happen this way and where is God in all this? Doesn't he know your world is being turned up side down? 

Your view of the world is quite different than God's view. Where you see lack, he sees potential. Where you sense limits, he sees a chance for growth and change. Your vantage point gives you a glimpse of what appears to be chaos and disorder. God's larger view provides a clearer picture of a vividly designed perfect opportunity that unfolds exactly on time to provide the right solution. It is as if you are seeing the knotted and loose stringed underside of a beautiful tapestry. God sees the beautiful design. Trust him. Wait on him and know that he has your best interest at heart and blessed plan in hand. God always weaves magnificence. Just look at you! 

Happy is the man who listens, watching every day at my gates, waiting beside my doors. Proverbs 8:34

May 11, 2024

Fill Up Your Soul

Life’s journey is not always easy. 
You can fill up on the world and be overwhelmed to the point of hiding in alcohol or overindulging in sweets. 
A far better way to be on life’s journey is being in the Word and drinking in the sweetness and love of Jesus. You and your soul will be in awe and in love.