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Jan 10, 2010

A Person After God's Own Heart

I love hearts. They symbolize more than the very important anatomical structure responsible for circulation. Hearts symbolize love which is exactly what Jesus is all about. God loved the world so much that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life! I not only love hearts but I long to be a person after God's own heart. Hum...so what exactly does that mean anyway? 
The Bible points us to the definition in this passage, "After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: "I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do." Acts 13:22

Doing everything God wants. That is what it takes to be a person after God's own heart. Just think about that for a minute. Do you spend your time doing what God wants you to do or are you busy doing what you want to do? Not too sure? Well, consider this, Jesus told us that where our treasure is our heart would also be (Matthew 6:21). So, what is it that you treasure? What is it that is most important to you? What is it that you spend your time, talent and energy pursuing? If the answer is God, then you more than likely are a person after God's own heart, doing what God wants you to do and spending time with Him so that you know him and exactly what he wants.

You may be thinking that this sounds easier than if really is. Honestly, life is very complicated these days. There is so much to do, and even more than ever before, there is so much to get you distracted and to take up your time. Make an effort this week to track where you are spending your time, talent, and money. You may discover that in order to be a person after God's own heart you need to change your focus or direction. Place a heart somewhere that your eye is drawn to during the day. Let it to act as a visual reminder for you to focus on the things of God instead of the things of the world so you can make Jesus the reason your heart is beating for.

Jan 4, 2010


This was a special weekend. Last September as an anniversary gift for my husband I purchased tickets to the Redskins - Chargers game in San Diego. The Redskins rarely play a game this close to home and my husband is a big fan and had never had a chance to go to their game before. So we took about a 70 mile trip to Qualcomm Stadium  for a very sunny and beautiful game experience. It was 75 degrees in San Diego and in fact was quite warm in the sun. God graced us with some cloud cover and so the weather was perfect. Once we arrived and decided to get something to drink we saw the sign below. Can you believe a bottled water costs $5.25? That is just incredible!
It seems like everywhere you turn the cost of even the simple things are going up. Well, it was a special occasion and we were thankful we had the chance to celebrate so we had to pay the price.The sign reminded us of the one thing that is paid for in full - salvation through Jesus Christ. So we noted this and smiled that we are so blessed to know Christ and thought maybe we could share this as a great new ad campaign:

Two tickets to a once in a life game close to home to celebrate your 28th wedding anniversary - $200
Parking at the stadium - $25 
Two waters and two hot dogs - $20
Knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior and knowing He is in charge of your life - priceless!!

Have you been to any sporting or entertainment events lately and experienced the same thing?

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ
died for us. Romans 5:8"

Dec 31, 2009

It's Official!

The Christmas season is officially over. How can I tell you ask? I was in Target tonight with my husband and the swimsuits and Valentine's cards were on display for purchase! Can you believe it? New Year's Eve is just hours away and Target is already poised for the next Hallmark holiday and the swim season? Unbelievable. I have to admit that I did have a laugh when they asked if I found everything I was looking for as I was checking out. It took every inch of my being not to respond with a comment about being disappointed in not being able to find any Easter cards or bunnies!. 

So, there you have it, Christmas is officially over and tomorrow I am going to be dismantling and taking down our 9 foot tall tree pictured here. Yes, I am a bit sad to see the holiday come to an end but with summer just around the corner I need to get ready don't you think? 

The angel at the top is from our very first house that we lived in before we had kids about 28 years ago. I actually bought her from Avon but they don't make them anymore. Here she is in a close up....

She has survived several falls and even made it through the Christmas that our tree fell to the ground twice in a few days when we had a "new and improved" tree stand. Here is one of my favorite ornaments that tomorrow will be tucked away for a whole year........

Jesus, however will not be tucked away even though Christmas and all its lovely decor will be. Jesus will remain front and center at the heart of our home and our lives each and every day for ever more.

Thank you Jesus for an amazing Christmas filled with love, family, friends, and blessings. You truly are the heart of  the season and we stand in awe of you. Thank you too for a brand New Year filled with your blessings, love and promises.

"For he alone is worthy, His glory is far greater than all of earth and heaven." Psalm 148:13


Dec 26, 2009

Uncovering Secrets

There seems to be an obsession about knowing the behind the scenes lives of the rich and famous. Of more interest is revealing their secrets, many of which they keep hidden from those closest to them. The tabloids and the paparazzi seem to have taken center stage. They go to great lengths to expose and uncover the details about celebrities and would-be celebrities. The truth is everyone has parts of their life story that is kept hidden, tucked away, and out of sight from the world. God, however, knows every part of every human’s life story from cover to cover, like an open book.

When it comes to your life, God does not need the paparazzi or the “Enquirer” to tell all. He does not have to stand by to catch a glimpse of your latest appearance or interaction with your spouse, child, neighbor, or the homeless person with the “will work for food” sign on the corner. God is fully aware of all you do and knows your heart, mind, and soul. He created you and is fully aware of your brilliance and your short comings. Sure, there may be unconfessed sin and transgressions that have not been acknowledged, but God still knows about every detail. He knows that you, like every other person on the planet, are a sinner. That is the reason He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to the world to die for you, so that your sins may be forgiven. Is there something you’ve been trying to keep from God? Perhaps there is a confession that you need to make to Him to get things right between you. In preparation for the New Year, why not have a heart to heart conversation with the Lord? Tell Him everything you have been meaning to about the your real life “secrets”. Go ahead! Now is as good a time as any. Forgiveness is just a confession away.

"My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, and give him the praise. Tell me what you have done; do not hide it from me." Joshua 7:19

Dec 19, 2009

Christmas Gift

It is almost time! Let the celebration of the birth and love of Christ begin. Christmas Day is just a blink away. As you gather with family and friends and praise God for the amazing gift of His Son, remember that the most special Christmas gifts are not purchased in stores.They are not tied in a bow, wrapped in shiny paper or tucked neatly under the tree.The most special Christmas gift are priceless.Here is the list of gifts I pray God will bless you with this Christmas and all the year through:

Abundance - spiritual riches and provisions that demonstrate the power of God in all circumstances.

Clarity - to see things the way God does, with clarity and understanding rather then through a near-sighted earthly view.

Faith - knowing that God has placed you exactly where you need to be, that there is a reason for every exoerience, and that God will see you through.

Grace - that only God can provide. Gracious forgiveness, favor, and kindness that moves your heart and restores your soul.

Harmony - with God and with others, the kind that allows for positive and long lasting heartfelt relationships.

Love - unconditional and without limits. Not just any kind of love but the love of Christ; agape love, to have and to share (even with the unlovable).

Patience - because God isn't finished with you yet, nor is He finished with those around you.

Peace - on Earth, at home, and in your life. The kind of peace that knows no boundaries and last all the way through Christmas dinner, into dessert, beyond bedtime, and clear through the New Year.

Time - to pray, to enjoy the simple things, to rest, to reflect, to relax and to do so without feeling guilty that there is something you should be doing that is not getting done.

Wisdom - to know God’s answers to life's difficult questions and to have the ability to share with those seeking wise counsel.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16