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Aug 23, 2009

God of Miracles and Wonders

 Do you believe in miracles? Are you expecting God to intervene and answer your prayer? Your answers to these questions are very telling and may be the difference between celebrating in thanksgiving and dealing with disappointment. God is not hindered by space and time. He is not limited by resources and current economic patterns. God created the universe and all that is a part of it. He is mighty, strong, and powerful. He can change the landscape of the earth and of your life. 

 When you act like a child of a limited and powerless God you set aside His majesty and embrace mediocrity. When you doubt, and draw imaginary boundaries around your life and the potential God has given you, the enemy wins and you lose. Why do you allow yourself to believe that you are not important enough for God to move in your life? The only thing keeping you from the blessings and good that He already has your name on is you. 

Get out of God’s way! Let Him demonstrate His miracles. He loves you and wants nothing more than to bless you. Jesus Christ is the God of Miracles and Wonders. He is able and all knowing. Your issues, health concerns, financial situation, and family matters are not too big for Him to handle, nor are they too much trouble for Him to step in and address. Miracles and wonders are what He is all about! Just look at the ocean, the stars, and the amazing mountains. His fingerprints are all over the sunset and the sweet scent of blooms that you often fail to notice. His magnificence is at work right now in your circulatory and nervous system. 

Do you think for one second that you and your life are too hard, too complicated, or too messed up for Him to turn around? Surely you are mistaken! Today, expect a miracle and when it arrives don’t be too surprised that you fail to stop, throw your hands in the air, and in praise give thanks to Jesus Christ the God of Miracles and Wonders. 

“Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people.” Psalm 77:13-14

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